Purpose / Description: (Empty Backbone) FX cloning E.coli expression vector with araBAD promoter and N-terminal 1x His tag and 3C protease cleavage site
Reference: A versatile and efficient high-throughput cloning tool for structural biology.
Bacteria Resistance: Chloramphenicol and Ampicillin
Vector backbone: pBAD24
Vector type: Bacterial Expression
Total vector size: 5779 bp
Backbone Manufacturer: LM Guzman
Modification to backbone: modified for compatibility with FX cloning and added tags/fusion proteins
Copy number: Low
Growth strain: DB3.1
Growth temperature: 37°C
Antibiotics Resistance: Unknown
Gene / Insert: None
Cloning method: Unknown
Promoter: araBAD
Tag / fusion protein: Avi-tag (N terminal on backbone); 3C protease site (PreScission site) (C terminal on backbone); GFP (C terminal on backbone); decaHIS (1x His) (C terminal on backbone)