Malaysia Genome and Vaccine Institute, National Institutes of Biotechnology Malaysia, Jalan Bangi, 43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 830AM - 530PM

pGDP4 tet(A)


Purpose / Description: Low copy-number plasmid that constitutively expresses genes using the Plac promoter.
Reference: A Common Platform for Antibiotic Dereplication and Adjuvant Discovery.
Verification: None
Depositor(s): Gerard Wright
Catalog ID: 112887

Product details

Bacteria Resistance: Ampicillin
Vector backbone: pBR322
Vector type: Bacterial Expression
Copy number: Low
Growth strain: DH5alpha
Growth temperature: 37°C
Antibiotics Resistance: Unknown
Depositor comment: JoVE antibiotic dereplication paper: Zubyk, H.L., Cox, G., Wright, G.D. Antibiotic Dereplication Using the Antibiotic Resistance Platform. J. Vis. Exp. (152), e6536, doi:1.3791/6536 (219). (
Gene / Insert: tet(A)
Species: Morganella morganii
Cloning method: Restriction Enzyme
5′ cloning site: NdeI (not destroyed)
3′ cloning site: XhoI (not destroyed)
Mutation: Sequence was codon optimized for E. coli K12 using the IDT codom optimizing tool
Promoter: Plac
Tag / fusion protein: 6xHis (N terminal on backbone)
5′ sequencing primer: ATAAGGGAGAGCGTCGAG
3′ sequencing primer: CCAACTCAGCTTCCTTTC